Friday, February 4, 2011

My Honey Made a Pooh Pooh...My favorite chant for the time being...

My son has been having constipation issues since forever!  I have been working so hard at alleviating that problem because my little man is not a happy constipation camper.  First step to getting rid of constipation.  Listen to your intuition no matter how many people try to coerce you into following their standards.

My mom wanted me to give him water, but his father and I both researched this separately and found that it added to his constipation.  That is how I knew my mother had been giving him water against my desires.  Every time he would consistently start having regular bowel movements, all of a sudden when he came back from grandmas, it would take him 2 to 3 days to have a bowel movement.

I started him on Gentlease Enfamil, which turned out to be awesome.  He was having bowel movements 2 to 3 times a day, but I got older and hungrier; he needed my substantial food.  As I began to transition him from the Gentlease to the Premium Infant formula, we, again, encountered constipation.  His baby sitter suggest I go back but I chose to move forward.  I used 2 scoops of Gentlease and 2 scoops of Premium Infant formula.  He had about 1 bowel movement each day.  I ended up having to change his day care and that is when things got a bit out of hand.

He stopped having his bowel movement often enough.  He had them every 2 to 3 days again.  I did not want to give him other food until he could handle this.  ( I will admit, I did add some specks of sweet potatoes and other small bits of my food...when can you do when he is looking at your food like it is a delicious steak meal?!)  I continued and nothing changed.  Well one day, I came to pick up my son early.  The day care attendant saw me and looked like a deer in headlights...not understanding why, I proceeded to get my son.  I followed a little girl who was taking his bottle to him so that he could eat.  When she gave him the bottle, anger rose up in me.  The bottle was packed with gunks of thick thick thick cereal.  The daycare was feeding him cereal to keep him asleep longer and they were not telling me.  I immediately asked what is was and of course they threw the blame around.  I left in anger. 

The next day, I fed him some green beans. ( Gerber baby food)...He had bowel movements all day for the next 3 days.  Then he stopped having bowel movements for two days and has now consistently been pooooohing away 3 times a day.  I still split the formula between the the Gentlease and the Premium Infant Formula.  I also add two scoops of Single Grain Rice only to his night time bottle.  When he wakes up after 5 am, his bottle is the regular formula mixed with his Powdered Multivitamin.  During the day time he is fed either Green Beans; Sweet Potatoes or Squash with some Apple Sauce for dessert(once) but not everyday...

I am extremely excited about him being able to pooh that I can sing that song all day.  I have learned to be patient and extremely careful.  I have learned to pay attention to any changes with him and I am not afraid to question the treatment of my child at day care.  People lie, and obviously just do not care about your standards and your own desires for your child...

Stay watchful and ask God for guidance and He will guide you!

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