Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My View on Vaccinations...

Since before I had my son, I was having issues about this vaccination war...  If you go online, there are many convincing sources that say that is not good to vaccinate...BUT, there are other sites, also convincing to me, saying that it is imperative that a child be vaccinated.  So what do I do?  I initially became very distrusting of vaccinations.  I am very sure that the companies that produce these shots make lots of money from them but could I be hurting my son by not allowing him to get them.  Children do die from the whooping cough!!  What if my son got one of these diseases and died from it?  I would be panged with the guilt of knowing that mayyyybbbeee if I had gotten the vaccination, he would have lived.  But what if I got him the vaccinations and he had a horrible reaction to it and developed autism or died soon after (as has happened with many other children after getting their routine vaccinations.)  I know these pharmaceutical companies believe that their vaccinations are safe but history shows that in that field they just do not know until it starts to negatively affect people.  I started to look at the root reasons for having vaccinations...

Vaccinations are supposed to introduce our bodies to these diseases in turn our immune system is supposed to develop antibodies to the vaccinations...just like if we get sick and our bodies respond to the sickness to fight it off.  I came to the conclusion that these diseases are natural occurances and the vaccinations are supposed to help our bodies create a defense to these diseases.  The next question is...What is an alternative, more natural way to strengthen my sons immune system without all the extra from vaccinations?

Our bodies need to have the proper vitamins to not only develop antibodies against the diseases, but all the vaccinations we allow our children to receive so that we can send them to daycare and school.  I went and researched the vitamins necessary to build of my sons immune system.  I then checked the vitamins and nutrients found in the formula I was feeding my son.  I found that the formula provided less than a quarter of the vitamins needed for my sons immune system to effectively fight off diseases or even the those presented to him through the vaccinations!

I challenge parents right now to be aggressive about your child's health.  Do not go with the craze of the media.  The craze of the media made me believe that I should be aggressive about not allowing my son to be vaccinated.  It gives you all the materials to fight the GREAT POWERS, but something key is left out.  I do believe that many doctors are aggressive about vaccinations simply because we do not research or go the extra mile to provide the best for our children.  How many parents are only formula feeding their bodies without supplementing it everything else to build its immune system.  Doctors know that by the time our children become a year old, many of them are munching on McDonald's and extremely processed foods because we do not have time to cook!  We are filling ourselves with so much junk and we do not feed ourselves what we need and we do same to our children...what are they left to do?  "Well their not going to get vitamins; eat their veggies; change their lifestyles, how else are we going to keep them from dying under their own negative habits.  Let's vaccinate them!  It may not be the best option but it will work for the time being."  Vaccinations are our one stop shop to say that our children are healthy enough to venture into the world.  I cannot just not vaccinate your child and neither can you just vaccinate your child! 

I am still very leary of vaccinations but I have decided to work togethers a conclusion.  My first step is to place NutriStart Multivitamin Powder by Rainbow Light.  When I researched the vitamin needs of babies, I found that this Mulitivitamin contained all the vitamins in the right amounts.  I am only doing this until he gets a bit older.  He is only consuming; Enfamil Formula with the Vitamin every morning.  He eats some baby veggies;applesauce; one grain rice in his bottle before bedtime.  I try to keep it simple because I do not have much time on hand, right now.  That is a work in progress.  I did not allow him to get the initial vaccination at birth.  I did allow him to get all the mandatory vaccinations at 3 months.  I have skipped the vaccinations for the 4th and 6th month.  I am waiting another two months for him to continue with the vitamins.  After those two months are up, I will only allow for him to have the vaccinations needed at that time.  I guess you could say I am keeping him behind schedule.  I feel like I do not have to be rushed into these vaccinations.  I have a while before he attends school, and I just pray that God will continue to guide me in this process.  The awesome thing about right now is that I am at peace with my decision.  WE HAVE RIGHTS!  TAKE ADVANTAGE!

The only thing that saddens me is that I might have to change my eating habits...He is going to follow what I do and not what I just tell him to do.  I might have to have eat my peas to get him to eat his peas...uuggghhh

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